The other day, I downloaded a PDF from a mentor of mine, James Wedmore and it was titled something like MAKE 2020 YOURS...
One thing about me is I absolutely LOVE setting new goals for my birthday year (personal goals)... and for the upcoming year (business goals).
So any chance I have to snag a PDF to help me do so... consider it: SNAGGED!
However, this workbook was a wee bit different as... it asked a few questions I never considered before. Yes, it talked about what LESSONS your learned... and what did you ACCOMPLISH.
But it also asked, "what ways can you CELEBRATE your lessons + your successes from 2019?"
This had me baffled... celebrate my successes? celebrate my lessons? Um... as a dear friend pointed out, I tend to check off my accomplishments but rarely tend to PAUSE and celebrate.
Why? Probably because I see it as... I gave my word I would accomplish this... so I did, why celebrate?
But ONE thing I teach my clients is to CELEBRATE their wins... no matter how great or small. How can I live with integrity if I do NOT do the same thing?
Seriously, she totally called me out on my integrity... by ME not celebrating my own successes! So... after pondering WHAT WAYS can I celebrate 2019, I purchased this necklace.
I'm not a HUGE fan of horseshoes (if you are, fantastic- you do you, boo). but I am a HUGE FAN of what it represents...
This tiny horseshoe represents every single step forward... with each success and each lesson learned... I am getting closer to the God-size dream in my heart.
The dream: to open + operate an equine therapy ranch for kids with special needs.
I dream of this ranch being a place where families can come to have a vacation- kids can bond with horses, receive therapy and be together as a family.
It's a reminder of the first family I will host at this ranch.
This makes me UBER curious though: how will YOU celebrate this past year's lessons/wins... I seriously want to know. Take a beat to think about this + fill me in below.
Because YOU deserve to celebrate all the lessons + wins from the past year... in order to make room for your dreams in the New Year!
Grit + Gumption.