Fat Bombs

you ever just get a hankering for something sweet... but don't want to BLOW your health goals? um. yes. duh. you are human.
well. the other day, while I was whipping up dinner... the Gillies were being a wee bit rambunctious so I asked the hubster to distract them by making dessert. something simple. now... the hubster is a GENIUS when it comes to making cookies... seriously. he makes three types of cookies that will make me gain 20 pounds in 1 month.
no lie. it happened.
he makes a chocolate-chip cookie... a cranberry-walnut cookie.... and the "crack" cookie (which is his version of oatmeal chocolate chip). now. this recipe ISN"T for any of those because... well, they are LOADED with butter, sugar and real flour... so gluten and dairy. we bake them for friends during the holiday season or as a "thank you" but WE try... we try are darnedest not to eat them.
so. when I asked the hubster to make dessert with our twins, the Gillies. his eyes lit up... YES!!! he exclaimed, crack cookies!!! um. no... something healthier, I casually mentioned.
and now... the hubster looks not so much like a genius. but WHAT?!? he asked. while my back was turned and I was throwing stuff into a pot on the stove and slicing veggies for dinner... I rambled a few ingredients and gave instructions here or there. I had NO idea what I was saying... and the hubster's face at the end of it PROVED the dessert MAY go into the trash bin.
but... it didn't... these little buggers were DELICIOUS... simply delicious.
now. before you give me all these props for being a MAKE-A-RECIPE-OUT-OF-THIN-AIR wizard... I read something about these before. not sure these "fat bombs" are made the same... but they were a HIT in our house and the Gillies, the twins LOVED them.
- Chocolate layer
- 3 tbsp of coconut oil, melted
- 1 scoop of chocolate superfoods (shakeology)
- 1 tbsp of pure maple syrup
- 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract
- dash of cinnamon
- Almond butter filling
- 3 tbsp of almond butter (we make our own!)
- 1 tbsp of coconut oil
- 1 tsp of maple syrup
- dash of Himalayan sea salt
- You know I like to use as LIMITED bowls/plates as possible... and we will start with the CHOCOLATE LAYER FIRST!
- Using a glass measuring cup, melt the coconut oil. When melted, mix all the ingredients in the glass measuring cup for the chocolate layer.
- Place paper liners in a mini-muffin baking tin... we didn't the FIRST time and it was a HOOT to scrap all the chocolate out the tins. so LINE it up!
- Spoon a tsp of the chocolate layer mix into the muffin tins... we made about 12!
- Place trays in the fridge or freezer to solidify... the coconut oil will harden :) when it gets cold!
- WHILE this is happening, rinse out your measuing cup you used to mix all the chocolate layer ingredients in... time to work on the filling!
- Mix ALL the almond butter filling ingredients together in the glass measuring cup. Note, the coconut oil does NOT need to be melted this time.
- Once the chocolate layers have been SET or feel hard... take out of the freezer/fridge and top each of the chocolate layers with a dab of the almond butter filling. You can be cute and place in an icing bag to make them look more "professional"... but we have a messy plates in our kitchen :)
- Once all the chocolate layers have been filled with almond butter, place BACK in the freezer/fridge to set again... takes about 5-7 minutes.
- You may serve COLD or at room temperature... I stored these in a glass jar in the fridge and they kept for 2 days... MAINLY because the Gillies (ahem, mama) ate them so quickly!
Hope this helps... and hope you LOVE our FAT BOMBS!!!