Tips To Map Out Your Ideal Day As A Busy Entrepreneur

What Does Your Ideal Day Look Like?
I remember sitting in on a group coaching session where this question popped up. This question made me wonder something IF you aren't entirely sure what your ideal day would look like than how in the world are you making your decisions? Are you just putting out fires every single day, always on the defense? Or are you mapping out strategic goals and action steps to help YOU create the life YOU desire?
Now. Constantly being on defense sounds like a lot of work AND like you never truly take any steps forward. It's not how I want to live yet at the time during this call, it felt like my life was 86% on the defense.
I've since learned through various lessons, masterclasses, coaching sessions and trial/error what my ideal day would look like. The picture of my ideal day changes with the seasons of our lives, but if you want to take a gander at what it typically looks like in this season, then click the link below.
One thing I wanted my ideal day to include was: movement, outside adventures, snuggles with the Gillies and no more than 3 hours of work. Yep, I said it THREE HOURS (this includes 1:1 coaching sessions or hosting a masterclass).
As a mom who was working ~16 hour days, this was a COMPLETE 180 of what I was doing. AND I knew working less hours (smarter not harder) was something I needed for me (and the Gillies). In the link below, I break down all the nitty-gritty bits on how I actually map out our year to include business, personal and health goals all the while including MORE life experiences.
If you are sitting here reading this saying, I have NO idea what my ideal day would actually look like Amber?!? And you are feeling a wee bit frustrated. No worries! One of the ways which helped me is to think about what is one goal I would like to tackle within the next 100 days or so.
Why 100 days? There's no scientific research for the hundred days, I just like to focus THREE full months on a certain goal with one week in preparation and then one to two weeks afterwards in reflection, sorta like a "debrief". In the debrief, questions are asked such as: what went well, what obstacles got in my way, what helped me reach my goal or what hindered me from reaching my goal, what was the biggest lesson I learned, etc.
Once I have my "100" day goal - I map it out in the planner (making sure launches or big projects aren't happening at the same exact time as family adventures or life events). Next up, it's all about breaking down what this 100 day goal into bite-size actionable steps.
And one thing I think gets folks tripped up with this is some version of this question:
HOW do I know exactly what steps to take to reach this goal, I have never done this before?!?
Well, buttercup. Action creates clarity. There's so many things I have come across in my life with NEVER having done before (and I can bet the same for you); however, after completing one or two action steps, then next one showed itself. It's like when I had to change my first flat tire...
True story: I was in college and driving a boy who had serious boyfriend potential to band practice. (Don't judge, I was in the marching band in college). Anywho. The car got a flat tire... and the boy as well as myself had NO clue how to change a flat tire. Immediately, I phoned my dad to tell him what happened and asked for some pointers.
First thing he told me was "ditch the boy! If he can't change a flat tire, he isn't worthy of your time." The second thing he said was to calm down and grab the jack in the trunk along with the spare then figure it out. He hung up.
And he was right. As soon as I realized, the tools were all there... the steps were easy. Yes, I made a few errors in putting on my spare tire (we don't need to go there). I didn't say we weren't going to make mistakes. But I did learn how to change a flat tire by myself and I ended up turning down the boy's request for a date. Thanks, dad!
Some of my favorite tools to help me as a busy-juggling homeschooling mama/entrepreneur are listed below:
- Start Planner: My go-to daily planner! There are free downloads are available.
- Kajabi: Where I host my courses, email, blog and soon-to-be-podcast! There's a free trial available!
- Social Squares: Beautiful collection of stock photos.
- Launch In Style Templates: Designed to convert sales funnel templates. This makes creating opt-in, thank you, sales pages a breeze!
- Timberdoodle: This isn't truly business related; however, it's the homeschooling system we use with the Gillies... and this program dissolved my fears of homeschooling. It's effective, super simple to follow and the Gillies ❤️ Timberdoodle.
But here's the WHOLE point of this read: without knowing where you are headed, you most likely will be on the defense in the day-to-day. Identify what goal you want to hit + what an ideal day looks like for you!
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Grit + Gumption,
Biohacker Babe