[LIFE HACK]: Schedule Your Week + Bookend Your Days For Success!

It may sound a wee bit, like, duh... schedule your life. And you may not even do it or you may only schedule a few things, thinking "I'll just remember ___ (insert mundane task) ___."
However, if we are being real here - if it's not scheduled, it is 86% likely to get missed by miss. So, I schedule it.
Well. I simply take 20 minutes to look at my calendar for the next six days and write out my, well, "ta das" as I call them. The reason I call them "ta-da" is because it's a miracle when I get them all crossed off the list... I'll actually say, TA DA!!!!!
Plus, who doesn't like to cross things off their list? It's strangely satisfying, am I right?
MY TIP: Schedule your life + what you value... you don't want to miss anything!
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.”— Stephen Covey
QUESTION: What you are scheduling for you this week... what's important to you, love?
And because I’m a HUGE planner snob + most likely have tried 86% of those out on the market, let me share with you one that I am absolutely LOVING this month. Corie Clark’s Purposeful Planner!
Why? Well. It’s gorgeous, first of all. But secondly, there’s space to “brain dump”… hello, thank you. Along with bible quotes, water intake monitoring and a box to jot down your health/workouts for the day. Plus, all the typical planner stuff for business. GENIUS!
You can follow Corie on Instagram + learn more about these planners HERE.
If you have any tidbits or health hacks YOU love, then reach out + fill me in -- I'd love to learn more. Better yet, join our community where we have ALL the discussions on mama-hood while growing our business on our own terms: Dr. Amber L/G's Community!
Because the more you know... the more you grow! Until then...
Grit + Gumption.