Start Living Your Dream By Doing This

When you say NO to something, you are saying YES to something else.... pull your strength from this, love, and start saying YES to your vision.
What I mean by it is that when you say no to something, when you set that boundary in your life, whether that's in business, whether that's a personal boundary... whatever it is exactly. By saying no, you're creating space to say yes to something that will move you forward towards your dream.
Just by saying yes to all the things, doesn't necessarily create a beneficial opportunity. If you find yourself saying yes to doing this activity. Yes to attending this masterclass. Yes to this workshop, or webinar. What you are actually doing is giving them your time and energy. And if it's not getting you closer to your vision then at the same time you are saying no to your dream.
If what you're saying yes to does not move you closer to your vision, don't do it.
If you're given an opportunity, and that opportunity does not get you closer to your goal, to your vision, to what God placed in your heart. You're essentially saying NO to your own dreams by agreeing to do something else.
For instance, last week, I made a decision to forgo an event which I had been looking forward to for last few months. An event which would help me grow in coaching and be surrounded by other coaches.
Plus, the last five months have been quite emotionally challenging for me - I was looking for a few days to recharge the batteries.
However, one phone call changed everything.
When the phone call came through saying there was an opening on those same dates with a certified adaptive ski instructor... I said YES with no hesitation.
I said YES to an opportunity for our little man... an opportunity which I didn't want HIM to miss out on and I DEFINITELY wanted to witness! It was an opportunity for him to get on the mountain with a certified adaptive ski instructor for a few hours each day and let him go skiing for the first time (without assistance)!
Within minutes of getting off the phone with the instructor, I informed the team I had an opportunity I couldn't miss... then booked the airbnb who thankfully accepted our pups and traveled with the family further up north with a few stops to make sure we had ALL the gear needed to make this a reality.
It's true what they say, God laughs when you make plans... because if you asked me where I'd be at that time the week before, I'd say in Sedona soaking up some coach training.
Instead I was bundled up head to toe in ski gear on a mountain listening to the Gillies laugh and explore new opportunities for them.
AND WHY DOES THIS MATTER? Why did I say "NO" to one opportunity yet "YES" to another?!?
Because the YES gets me closer to the person I want to be... an exceptional mom, an exceptional wife... who is focused on creating more life experiences and being open to new adventures even if that means saying, "no" to what's already on the schedule.
It's about building my life's resume... (shout out to Jesse Itlzer!)
And I realized, when you say no to something, when you stand in your power, you are saying yes to your vision, you're saying yes to the dream that God placed in your heart. You're saying yes to the goal that you're trying to achieve.
So be cautious, and be aware of what you're saying. Don't invest in something that won't put you closer to your goals. Choose to pursue your vision, choose God's vision for you, first. That will make all the difference.
Grit and Gumption,
Biohacker Babe
If you want to read more about how I am creating MORE life adventures, click HERE for a quick 2 minute read about these 4 simple steps!